
An Scary, Terrible and yet Interesting Nightmare

Before anything, I would like to repeat I am not a native English speaker and am not fluent yet. So there may be various mistakes.

When I was sleeping from yesterday to today I had a dream, this is a rare thing. But it wasn't a ordinary dream... It was a Nightmare, and I can say it was the worst Nightmare I have ever had.
I'll try to explain how was it.

Everything started when I was playing videogame, it was a nice day, cool weather, and I was alone in home. Then, suddenly a really strong wind appeared and destroyed my house's roof, I, shocked, stopped to play and looked to the sky. It was Dark, really Dark with a Degrade of colors Black, Purple and Gray, and it was really cloudy. It was sinister. As I looked for that my house was falling to pieces. But it was only the Beginning of the real terror, my Television simply disappeared, in the air. Just after, my videogame also disappeared in front of my eyes... It was being sucked into a small vortex that was deleting all the matters in a small radius, doing a small vacuum area. And then these kind of vortex began to appear randomly in various places and began to eliminate all the types of matter. I was scared... I didn't want to die so early.. in such as that place, so I began to run in despair, as I ran I saw some persons being killed by these vortex... the people were simply being disintegrated and disappearing in the vacuum. I was running with so much fear and went in the Subway Station.... there were so much people that they were one above another and everyone was scared trying to run, but with no a specific direction. The vortex were appearing in all places deleting all things and persons, but after a time the vortex frequency began to decrease and I, alive, was yet worried and in a situation that I could be killed any time, so I couldn't stop quiet and was walking, running, moving for any direction. I can't describe how much I was in despair. Then, the vortex weren't appearing more... but I couldn't be sure that it had stopped and also they could appear in any place, so I was in Danger yet. I was mentally destabilized and couldn't stop thinking about those vortex, so hours passed, days passed, and I was in a situation I couldn't live my life stop thinking about the vortex. I was alone(with no acquaintances) , in a Dark World, really scared... I was in despair.

Then I woke up, today was the day of this year I woke up faster, I think it was because of this Nightmare. After waking up, I was really relieved and could stop thinking about this. But about 1:00 PM I remembered the dream and now I am writing it.

I can't stop thinking about why I had a dream like that and if this dream had/has a meaning....... 

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